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Author: vipfitnessnicosia

What is the best diet to follow?

Is there really a diet that is better than the rest? One that can promise the best results?When it comes to choosing a weight-loss diet to follow, things aren’t always clear-cut. From Atkins to Mediterranean there are so many options promising fast results that it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. Well as it turns out, it probably doesn’t matter which diet you follow if your goal is to kickstart weight loss. In a new study published in The BMJ, researchers separated 14 popular diets like Weight Watchers, South Beach, and Atkins into three groups: low-carb, low-fat,...

Why you should prioritise exercising

Exercising is not about getting your perfect Bikini Body. Well it is not ONLY that anyway. We all love getting nice comments on our shape and physical appearance. I know you like it when your friends comment on how you lost weight or how your new jeans compliment your body etc. However working out is so much more than this. Getting daily movement helps your body and your mind be fit and ready to assist you in your everyday life. Exercise has been linked to many benefits. Let’s take a look at what it can do for you. Decreases and prevent depression Every time...